Bright Darkwa's Podcast

Sermons and Teachings

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Producing Fruits

Wednesday Oct 07, 2020

Wednesday Oct 07, 2020

Note: This message is predominantly in Twi but was interpreted into English.
Fruits are an indication of where effort has been invested. Fruit bearing is therefore a report card. No one will want their efforts to go unrecognized. God has invested so much into us expecting to received something in return - fruits. The axe is at the bottom of the tree to bring down any tree that bears no fruits. Will you stand or be brought down? 

Love One Another

Tuesday Sep 15, 2020

Tuesday Sep 15, 2020

Note: This message was preached both in Twi and English missed up.
One of the expectations of love is the ability to dwell together as one people. To be able to dwell together, you must Learn to first accept people as they are and provide them an opportunity to repent-not easily giving up on people. When this status is reached, the scriptures promise an eminent blessing. Learn about this blessing in this message. 

Get Behind Me Satan

Monday Aug 31, 2020

Monday Aug 31, 2020

Jesus rebuked Peter and said "get behind me Satan." This was his disciple. In this message you get to understand that Satan in this context is anything, person, system, etc that stands against the fulfillment of the purposes and plans  of God for your life. You also learn how to deal with the Satan's in your life. 

Who Do You Say That I Am?

Tuesday Aug 25, 2020

Tuesday Aug 25, 2020

Jesus asked his disciples who they taught he was. In this message we try to understand why Christ asked this question. You get to understand that Christ Jesus by this question sought to make himself known to us. In knowing who Christ is, we get to know who he has made us to be and helps us to fulfill his purposes for us on this earth. 

Great Faith Rewards

Tuesday Aug 18, 2020

Tuesday Aug 18, 2020

Note: This message was preached in Twi and interpreted into English.
Great Faith is that does not back down until results of the word are realized. Those who exercise great faith take their eyes off the circumstances that surround them, but focus on the faithfulness and nature of God who has promised. 'God knowers are exploit doers'. When the gentile woman who needed help for her daughter approached Christ, she did not relent until she had her request. 

Oh! You Of Little Faith

Friday Aug 14, 2020

Friday Aug 14, 2020

Every word of God to you has a mission to accomplish. Faith is the medium by which the word of God comes into manifestation. Any time in scripture when Christ spoke of little faith, He qualified it with the adjective "OH". This is the as a result of the tragedy little faith brings. In this sermon you are taught why little faith comes and how to overcome it. 

Give Them Something To Eat

Sunday Aug 09, 2020

Sunday Aug 09, 2020

Jesus calls on all men to come unto Himself. He is the bread of Life. Those who have lost hope in this life, those who are searching for that one thing that can satisfy them and those who are giving up their stay with Him. He calls all to come. 

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